(Releases from the Provincial Department of the Environment)
These bulletins will be copied and pasted from e-mails as they come in.
Use the contact numbers to get more information,
and to make your opinion known.
Ministerial decisions are final - public comments are encouraged.
Environment: A time sensitive issue.
"Ever since the Pre-Cambrian (600 million years ago), ice ages have occurred at
widely spaced intervals of geologic time - approximately 200 million years -
lasting for millions, or even tens of millions of years. For the Cenozoic
period, which began about 70 million years ago and continues today,
cooling occurred in three major steps about 36, 15 and 3 million years ago -
the most recent of which continues today. During the present ice age, glaciers
have advanced and retreated over 20 times, often blanketing North America with
ice. Our climate today is actually a warm interval between these many periods
of glaciation. The most recent period of glaciation, which many people think of
as the "Ice Age", was at its height approximately 20,000 years ago.
We are still in the midst of the third major cooling period that began around 3
million years ago, and its effect can be seen around the world, perhaps even in
the development of our own species. Around 2 and a half million years ago,
tundra-like conditions took over north-central Europe. Soon thereafter, the
once-humid environment of Central China was replaced by harsh continental
steppe. And in sub-Saharan Africa, arid and open grasslands expanded,
replacing more wooded, wetter environments. Many paleontologists believe that
this environmental change is linked to the evolution of humankind."
Kirk A. Maasch, professor at the University of Maine, in the Department of
Geological Sciences.
It took a long time and a considerable amount of luck to get to where we are today.
The island of Nfld. is small, with a finite number of natural areas.
Much of the exploitation of these areas occurs without a sound knowledge of there ecological systems due
to a lack of field resources.
Major irreversible changes can occur within weeks of one of these registrations.
2002 05 30
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Five Year Operating Plan (2002 -2006), Forest Management District 16
(Main River Watershed)
Proponent: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd.
Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd. has submitted an Environmental Preview Report (EPR) for the Five Year Operating Plan for the Main River Watershed in Forest Management District 16. In December of 2001 the Minister required the proponent to prepare an EPR to address deficiencies in the original registration document as outlined in the EPR Guidelines issued by the Minister on February 26, 2002. Following public and government review, if the EPR is satisfactory the Minister will decide whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required.
The public is invited to review the EPR and submit comments to the Minister by July 4, 2002. All submissions received on or before this date will be considered before a final decision is made. The EPR is available electronically on the Government Web at www.gov.nf.ca/env or copies may be obtained from the Environmental Assessment Division. If you have questions please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Wayne Tucker, at (709) 729-1091 or e-mail wtucker@gov.nf.ca.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 04 25
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Cochrane Pond Poultry Compost Operation
Proponent: Mitchell Farms Inc.
The proponent plans to develop a composting operation near Cochrane Pond in the St. John's Agricultural Development Area to assist in the disposing of chicken broiler manure from the former Integrated Poultry Limited (IPL) facility. Approximately 6 acres of land will be required for the composting part of the operation, and another 75 acres of drained peat bog will be required for the production of compost. The composting method will be by windrows which consists of long rows ranging in size up to 2.75 metres high and 6 metres in width. Approximately 200 to 500 truck loads of broiler manure is planned to be utilized per year which will be incorporated with peat harvested by being drained, rotovated and extracted in layers by vacuum technology. The project was registered on April 25, 2002; public comments are due by May 30, 2002; and the Minister's decision is due by June 9, 2002.
New World Island Access Road
Proponent: Cottle's Island Lumber Co. Ltd. (Rex Philpott, President)
The proponent intends to construct 1,200 metres of 6-metre wide Class C-2 access road from the paved highway (Route 340) just North of the Boyd's Cove Causeway to a proposed wharf for off-loading of barged pulpwood and sawlogs. Four to six barges per year are expected with 5,000 - 10,000 cubic metres each of wood that will be stored at the site until it can be further transported by road for processing. It is anticipated that construction will start in early June. The project was registered on April 25, 2002; public comments are due by May 30, 2002; and the Minister's decision is due by June 9, 2002.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 04 18
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Bellevue (Broad Lake) Trinity Bay 18-Hole Golf Course (2001)
Proponent: L. Mareido Enterprises Limited (Melvin Conrad Reid, President)
Reasons for the withdrawal, as offered by the proponent, are stated in the re-registration (see below) and pertained to deficiencies in the mapping submitted in the registration document.
Bellevue 18-Hole Golf Course (2002)
Proponent: L. Mareido Enterprises Limited (Melvin Conrad Reid, President)
The proponent intends to construct an 18-hole public golf course at Bellevue between the residential area to the north, a Crown land cottage area to the south, Route 201 to the east, and the waters of Broad Lake to the west. In addition to the 18 tees, fairways, and greens, there will be a practice tee with five greens, an irrigation system, a sewage treatment system, an access road, club/dining facilities, a registration office and pro-shop, an equipment storage area, and related transportation/parking infrastructure. The proponent plans to start construction in the early summer of 2002 with 15 persons employed. During operation (seasonal), there will be 16 persons employed. The proponent hopes to have the first 9 holes operational by the spring of 2004. The project was registered on April 18, 2002; public comments are due May 23, 2002; and the Minister's decision is due June 2, 2002.
(1) Mount Pearl Hot-Dip Galvanized Manufacturing Facility
Proponent: Bruce Enterprises Limited (Herman M. Bruce, President)
(2) Crown Five Year Forest Management Plan District 1 (Avalon) 2002-2007
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The Minister has released the undertaking from further environmental assessment subject to compliance with the following conditions:
• Additional information be supplied to the Women's Policy Office, including analysis of available employment data by gender for contracts. Specific initiatives and targets to address the need to increase the level of participation of women should be identified. The Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods must submit an employment monitoring report on an annual basis, including collection of employment statistics by gender in order to track progress on participation of women and to implement adjustment strategies if employment targets are not being attained.
• The pine martin habitat suitability model must be run for the district. Following the analysis of model outputs, the Inland Fish and Wildlife Division may require amendments to operating areas and/or harvest methods to allow for continued protection and recovery of the endangered pine marten population.
• The buffers identified by the Provincial Archaeology Office for specified known and potential archaeological sites in the District be implemented until Stage 1 Historic Resources Assessments are completed for these sites.
• Landscape design methods and appropriate view shed planning as outlined in the Forest Ecosystem Strategy Document for the District must be used to minimize the visual impacts of harvesting on roadways for major touring corridors, along scenic coastline areas and other sensitive scenic areas.
• Approval must be obtained from the Parks and Natural Areas Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation for appropriate buffers to be maintained around provincial parks and proposed reserves. A minimum one kilometre modified cut buffer zone must be maintained for environmental protection of theses areas. The modified buffer of one kilometre must include, but is not limited to: (a) restriction of cut sizes to 5 ha (unless area of blowdown or insect killed wood) exceed 5 ha; (b) no permanent forest access roads; and (c) a commitment to survey harvest areas for rare plants prior to the commencement of harvesting.
• Approval must be obtained from the Water Resources Management Division, Department of Environment with a monitoring report of past annual activities for each year outlined in the Five Year Plan, together with any recommended changes required in the Plan.
• The monitoring committee established for District 1 must provide the Minister of Environment with a monitoring report of past annual activities for each year outlined in the Five Year Plan, together with any recommended changes required in the Plan.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 04 12
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Windmill Bight 18-Hole Golf Course
Proponent: Town of Lumsden & Town of New-Wes-Valley
The Minister and the Proponent have agreed to extend the Minister's decision date to April 27, 2002.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 04 09
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Avondale Automobile Drag Racing
Proponent: Mr. Bernard Hickey (Newfoundland Stock Car Association)
As a result of the Minister's decision on May 25, 2001 the proponent was required to submit an Environmental Preview Report (EPR) for the proposed Avondale automobile drag racing facility. The EPR was required to address issues such as recreational use of the area, noise pollution and potential effects upon the Avondale River. Guidelines for preparation of the EPR were issued on July 13, 2001. The EPR was received on April 9, 2002; public comments are due on May 14, 2002, and the Minister's decision is due on May 24, 2002.
For a copy of the EPR or further information on this undertaking contact John Eason, Chairperson of the Environmental Assessment Committee at 729-5706 or e-mail jeason@mail.gov.nf.ca.
Milan Arm Region Cottage Access Road
Proponent: Mr. Wallace Green
Abitibi-Consolidated District 12 Five Year Forest Operating Plan, Jan 2002 to Dec 2002 (Amendment)
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods (Land Transfer Agreement to Crown)
The Minister has released the undertaking from further environmental assessment subject to the conditions that:
1. Additional employment information needed by the Women's Policy Office be supplied, including analysis of available employment data by gender for contracts and subcontracts. Specific initiatives and targets to address the need to increase the level of participation of women should be identified. The Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods must submit an employment monitoring report on an annual basis, including collection of employment statistics by gender in order to track progress on participation of women and to implement adjustment strategies if employment targets are not being met.
2. Approval must be obtained from the Minister of the Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation to transport timber over the abandoned railbed.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 05 03
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Bay d'Espoir FMD 7 Crown 5 Yr Operating Plan (Amendment)
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment as per requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act, 2000 on April 25, 2002.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 05 23
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Middle Trout River / Governor's Pond Dist. 15, 5-Year FMD Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment as per requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act, 2000 on May 16, 2002.
Harcourt Area Forestry Access Road
Proponent: Mr. Oliver Stanley
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment as per requirements of the Environmental Assessment Act, 2000 on May 21, 2002.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 05 30
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
Five Year Operating Plan (2002 -2006), Forest Management District 16
(Main River Watershed)
Proponent: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd.
Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd. has submitted an Environmental Preview Report (EPR) for the Five Year Operating Plan for the Main River Watershed in Forest Management District 16. In December of 2001 the Minister required the proponent to prepare an EPR to address deficiencies in the original registration document as outlined in the EPR Guidelines issued by the Minister on February 26, 2002. Following public and government review, if the EPR is satisfactory the Minister will decide whether or not an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required.
The public is invited to review the EPR and submit comments to the Minister by July 4, 2002. All submissions received on or before this date will be considered before a final decision is made. The EPR is available electronically on the Government Web at www.gov.nf.ca/env or copies may be obtained from the Environmental Assessment Division. If you have questions please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Wayne Tucker, at (709) 729-1091 or e-mail wtucker@gov.nf.ca.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 05 31
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
2002 Balsam Fir Sawfly Spray Program Using NPV
(Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus)
Proponent: Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
The Canadian Forest Service in co-operation with the Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods is proposing to carry out an experimental research application of a microbial biological control agent (balsam fir sawfly Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus - NeabNPV). Applications would be made aerially to some 5,000 hectares on selected silviculturally treated forest stands forecast to receive moderate to severe balsam fir sawfly defoliation in 2002. The registration document submitted provides background information on the current infestations, control options, information on the product NeabNPV, details of the actual spray program and the schedule. It is proposed to apply NeabNPV to three selected sites in western Newfoundland in the Corner Brook region, including: (1) west of Cooks Brook, 1,300 hectares; (2) north of Corner Brook Lake, 500 hectares; and (3) south of Old Mans Pond, 3,200 hectares. Treatment is proposed to begin in July. The project was registered on May 31, 2002; public comments are due by July 5, 2002; and the minister's decision is due July 15, 2002.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 03
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Assessment Act.
South Dildo Seal Pelt Tannery
Proponent: Carino Company Limited
The proponent proposes to expand the existing seal processing plant at South Dildo to enable the tanning of seal pelts. Presently the site contains a storage building, cooker building, salt shed, production building, sawdust building, office and security office. The existing production building will be extended to house parts of the tannery. The phasing in of the tanning operation will take place over a period of 10 years. The start up phase will involve the tanning of approximately 200 seal pelts per day. The project was registered on June 3, 2002; public comments are due by July 8, 2002; and the minister's decision is due July 15, 2002.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 07
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
Crown Forest Management District 4 Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes to harvest 120 hectares of mature black spruce forest located along the old Terra Nova woods road west of Terra Nova Lake. The area is adjacent to previously harvested areas. Harvesting is tentatively scheduled to begin this summer. The project was registered on June 6, 2002; public comments are due by July 12, 2002; and the minister's decision is due July 21, 2002.
Bonavista Access Road Forage Area
Proponent: George and Vera Greening
The proponent proposes to clear an area of approximately 200 hectares for forage crops, utilizing poultry manure as fertilizer from their existing poultry farm at Musgravetown. The proposed site is located approximately 8 kilometres east of the TCH and 9 kilometres from the nearest community, Morley's Siding. The project was registered on June 6, 2002; public comments are due by July 12, 2002; and the Minister's decision is due on July 21, 2002.
Cat Arm / Harbour Deep Snowmobile Trail
Proponent: Newfoundland and Labrador Snowmobile Federation
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment on June 3, 2002 as per requirements of the Environmental Protection Act. The Minister has decided that construction of the portion of the trail within the proposed Little Cat Arm reserve is not permitted. As a result the proponent has withdrawn Section 2 of the trail as outlined in the registration document.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 11
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
• 2002 Mimic Forest Spray Program For Hemlock Looper
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
• 2002 Neemix 4.5 Forest Spray Program For Balsam Fir Sawfly
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The above projects have been released from further environmental assessment subject to obtaining any other permits and approvals from municipal, provincial, or federal authorities. The Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods must obtain a Pesticide Operators Licence under the Environmental Protection Act. The Pesticide Operators Licence will stipulate environment protection measures such as:
• no-spray buffer zones around all water bodies
• public notification requirements of the spray program:
• advertising in local paper
• posting signs in areas to be treated
• verbal notification to adjacent dwelling owners
• toll-free information number.
Further information may be obtained by contacting:
1) Pesticides Operator Licence Information, (709) 729-3395
2) Environmental Assessment Information, (709) 729-2562
or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181
or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 12
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
Labrador City Special Waste Transfer Facility
Proponent: Matrix Environmental Incorporated of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a temporary storage facility to better serve the liquid and solid industrial waste disposal needs of area clients at lower costs than can presently be managed. The Facility will include a 4,000 square foot steel building for the bulking of drums, a 4-inch reinforced concrete epoxy coated floor with a berm and with a HDPE liner underneath, an indoor truck cleaning area with an oily water separator, a 1,125 square foot bermed containment pad for roll-off containers for bulking solid petroleum based wastes, two 36,000 litre horizontal above-ground steel tanks with a concrete dyke for liquid petroleum based wastes, and a 10,000 square foot bermed containment pad for storage of soil awaiting periodic thermal treatment. The proposed site is Lot 98-28 in the Labrador City Industrial Park east of the Town. The Lot is neighboured to the north, south, east, and west by other undeveloped industrial lots. The Facility will require one Inspector and two Material Handlers for its operation. The project was registered on June 11, 2002; public comments are due by July 17, 2002; and the Minister's decision is due on July 26, 2002.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 19
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The minister has determined that an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is required for the project. The EIS will be required to examine, among other things, potential impacts on: water quality, runoff characteristics and water flow; wildlife populations and their habitat; forest resources; stream crossings upon navigability; fish and fish habitat; on increased access and development pressure; and, on tourism.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway Environmental Assessment Committee
The minister has appointed representatives from the following agencies to the environmental assessment committee:
• Environmental Assessment Division, Department of Environment (Chair)
• Water Resources Division, Department of Environment
• Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
• Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs
• Parks and Natural Areas Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
• Strategic Tourism Product Development, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
• Cultural Heritage, Archaeology Section, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
• Inland Fish and Wildlife Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation
• Urban and Rural Planning Division, Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs
• Parks Canada
• Environmental Protection, Environment Canada
• Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Avondale Automobile Drag Racing
Proponent: Newfoundland Stock Car Association (Mr. Bernard Hickey)
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment on June 17, 2002 as per requirements of the Environmental Protection Act. The release is conditional on the proponent posting a $10,000 security bond. This bond would be used to rehabilitate the environmental effect of an accidental or other effect respecting the undertaking, or to rehabilitate the environmental effect of a failure to comply with the terms and conditions applicable to the release of the undertaking.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 06 28
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
New World Island Access Road
Proponent: Cottle's Island Lumber Co. Ltd.
The undertaking was released from further environmental assessment on June 12, 2002 as per requirements of the Environmental Protection Act.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 07 10
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Crown Forest Management District 5 (Glovertown Region) Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes to harvest 12,000 cubic metres of merchantable softwood in the Cat Bay area, Glovertown region. The timber is comprised of mature (60-80+ years) black spruce and spruce-fir stands on gentle to moderate slopes. Construction of approximately 3 kilometres of class C-2 access road will also be required to access the timber stands. Operations are anticipated to begin in mid-August 2002 and continue on a seasonal basis to 2005. The project was registered on July 3, 2002; public comments are due by August 14, 2002; and the minister's decision is due August 16, 2002.
(2) CBPP District 5 & 6 Five Year Operating Plans
Proponent: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited
The proponent proposes to undertake forest management activities in District 5 (Bonavista North) and District 6 (Glenwood) consisting of timber harvesting, domestic cutting, silviculture and forest access roads for the period 2003 to 2007. The proposed harvest on Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited's timber limits is 245,000 cubic meters in District 5 and 545,000 cubic metres in District 6. The proposed silviculture treatment, achieved through both pre-commercial thinning and planting, consists of approximately 780 hectares in District 5 and 1,250 hectares in District 6. There are 40 kilometres of proposed forest access road in District 5 and 85 kilometres in District 6. The undertaking was registered on July 9, 2002; public comments are due by August 14, 2002; and the minister's decision is due August 23, 2002.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway Environmental Assessment Committee
The minister has appointed the following additional representative to membership on the environmental assessment committee:
• Mines and Energy
The above appointment is in addition to the representatives announced in the June 19, 2002 bulletin.
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2002 07 12
Environmental Assessment Bulletin
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
CBPP Forest Management District 9 (Oxfords Brook) Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proposed amendment is to harvest 2,500 cubic metres of hardwood in the Oxfords Brook area, located south of Baie Verte Provincial Park and the Trans Canada Highway (TCH). The proposal is to harvest timber from 150 hectares of mature and overmature hardwood stands left from previous softwood operations. The Crown (Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods) assumes responsibility for this operation from Corner Brook Pulp and Paper (CBPP) District 9 (Springdale area) Operating Plan. The project was registered on July 11, 2002; public comments are due by August 16, 2002; and the minister's decision is due August 25, 2002.
The minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
2002 07 16
Service Installation Crossing Western Brook, Pistolet Bay
Proponent: Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro proposes to install three poles in the vicinity of Western Brook, a scheduled salmon river in Pistolet Bay on the Great Northern Peninsula. This work is required to provide electrical service to a cabin owner in this location. As the work is within 200 metres of the scheduled river, registration is required. The undertaking was registered on July 15, 2002; public comments may be received up to August 20, 2002; and the minister's decision is due on August 29, 2002.
South Dildo Seal Pelt Tannery
Proponent: Carino Company Limited
The proponent has agreed to extend the minister’s decision deadline to August 15, 2002. The extension is being provided to allow for the submission of additional information on the project. The submission will be in the form of an addendum to the original registration document and will be available to the public.
The minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
2002 Balsam Fir Sawfly Spray Program Using NPV (Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus)
Proponent: Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service
The above project has been released from further environmental assessment on July 11, 2002 subject to obtaining any other permits and approvals from municipal, provincial, or federal authorities. The Canadian Forest Service must obtain a Pesticide Operators Licence under the Environmental Protection Act. The Pesticide Operators Licence will stipulate environment protection measures such as:
no-spray buffer zones around all water bodies
public notification requirements of the spray program:
advertising in local paper
posting signs in areas to be treated
verbal notification to adjacent dwelling owners
toll-free information number.
Further information may be obtained by contacting:
1) Pesticides Operator Licence Information, (709) 729-3395
2) Environmental Assessment Information, (709) 729-2562
or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181
2002 07 26
CBPP Five Year Forest Management Plan District 15 (Corner Brook) 2003-07
Proponent: Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Limited
The proponent has submitted a five year operating plan for Forest Management District 15, which is centrally located around the Corner Brook Area. District 15 is primarily bounded by Grand Lake to the east, Gallants to the south, and Gros Morne National Park to the north. The plan covers the operating period from January 2003 to December 2007. It describes past forestry activities, wood supply and harvesting, silviculture activities, road construction and environmental protection. The plan describes a potential harvest of 288,400 cubic metres of timber each year (1,442,000 cubic metres total). Planned construction of 300 kilometres of primary forest access roads. Also proposed are silviculture treatment on 5,500 hectares by pre-commercial thinning and 1,500 hectares by planting. The undertaking was registered on July 25, 2002; public comments are due on August 30, 2002; and, the minister's decision is due on September 8, 2002.
The mMinister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
(1) Cochrane Pond Poultry Compost Operation
Proponent: Mitchell Farms Inc.
The above project has been released from further environmental assessment on July 23, 2002 subject to obtaining any other permits and approvals from municipal, provincial, or federal authorities. The proponent must obtain a Certificate of Approval for a Waste Management System under the Environmental Protection Act. This Certificate of Approval will require submission of hydrogeological data and will stipulate environmental protection measures such as leachate control, buffer zones, etc.
(2) Come By Chance Refinery Butane Storage facility
Proponent: North Atlantic Refining Limited
(3) Crown Forest Management District 4 Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
(4) Labrador City Special Waste Transfer Station
Proponent: Matrix Environmental Incorporated
August 2, 2002
Environmental Assessment Bulletin
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to the Environmental Protection Act.
(1)Crown District 14 (St. George's) Five Year Forest Operating Plan 2002-07
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
(2)Crown District 16 (Jackson's Arm) Five Year Forest Operating Plan 2002-07
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
(3)Crown District 17 (Port Saunders) Five Year Forest Operating Plan 2002-07
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
(4)Crown District 18 (Roddickton) Five Year Forest Operating Plan 2002-07
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The above projects have been released from further environmental assessment on July 30, 2002 as per requirements of Part 10, Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act. These four projects have been released subject to:
Providing additional employment information to the Women's Policy Office;
Running the pine marten habitat suitability model for the districts as required by the Inland Fish and Wildlife Division to allow for continued protection and recovery of the endangered pine marten population;
Buffers identified by the Provincial Archaeology Office be implemented if an Historic Resources Assessment is not prepared;
A 100 metre no-cut buffer zone must be maintained on the coastline, as well as on salmon rivers where possible;
The monitoring committee established for each district must provide the Minister of Environment with a monitoring report of past annual activities for each year outlined in the plan, together with any recommended changes required in the plan.
Specific Requirements for:
District 17 (Port Saunders)
It is acknowledged that Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods has withdrawn proposed harvesting and the associated forest access road leading to the upper part (headwaters) of the Soufflets River Valley from the five year plan. In addition, no cutting is permitted in the Harbour Deep domestic cutting area (block-20) inside the Soufflets River watershed. No harvesting or associated activities are permitted in the Soufflets River watershed until the identification of a candidate reserve for the eastern side of the Northern Peninsula is finalized by the Parks and Natural Areas Division.
A 100 metre undisturbed buffer must be maintained around the proposed ecological reserve boundaries for Little Brook Pond (domestic cutting block 9) in order to protect the Wave Forest.
No cutting is allowed on Little, Middle and Western Island (Cow Head/St. Paul's domestic cutting block-18) in order to protect tern colonies located on the islands.
The Inland Fish and Wildlife Division must be consulted prior to harvesting on the establishment of wildlife corridors. The monitoring committees report must include a review of wildlife corridor effectiveness together with recommendations on size and locations.
A rare plant survey will be required for the Squid Cove commercial and domestic cutting blocks and the John Mahers Barren domestic cutting block prior to the commencement of any forestry activity in these areas (located at the foothills of the Highlands of St. John's).
To protect infringement on sensitive caribou areas used for winter foraging, in the Mooney Blocks commercial harvesting areas: (1) no harvesting or forestry activities are to be conducted during the caribou calving season (March 15 - June 15), and (2) a 50 metre treed buffer must be maintained on all barren areas within the harvest block. Domestic harvesting may continue within the Mooney Block and Feeder Ridge areas, however there must be no new road construction; the harvest block boundaries must not increase in size; and, cutting is not permitted during the calving and post-calving season.
Landscape design methods and appropriate view shed planning for the district must be used to minimize the visual impacts of harvesting on roadways for major touring corridors, along scenic coastline areas, outfitting lodges, and other sensitive scenic areas. The districts monitoring committee must report on effectiveness of landscape design techniques together with recommendations for areas of use.
The monitoring committees report must among other issues include: recommendations on decommissioning and/or rehabilitation of roads, particularly near waterbodies with salmon and "trophy" trout; address adequacy of buffer zone size around lakes and rivers; and, silviculture regeneration.
Also, attached is a map of the commercial and domestic cutting blocks in the Batteau Barrens area and vicinity to clarify areas designated for both uses (note - no changes to domestic cutting areas in this area), acknowledging the work of the planning committee members and the Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods for allocating the resource using a consensus building approach.
Northwest Brook Harvest Block (D18-09) and Central Zone Domestic Cutting Area 38 Chimney Bay are prohibited from any forestry activity until a final determination has been made on the proposed Cloud River Candidate Natural Area.
St. Anthony Zone Domestic Cutting Area 1 is prohibited from any forestry activity to protect the visual landscape for Pistolet Bay Provincial Park users and St. Anthony Zone Domestic Cutting Area 41 is prohibited from any forestry activity within the Pistolet Bay Provincial Park and within 500 metres of the park boundary.
The monitoring committees report must provide among other issues information on: protected water supplies, mature habitat, wildlife corridors, cutting regime, possible harlequin duck buffers, forest birds, Watts Point Ecological Reserve, tourism asset management, landscape design methods and domestic cutting areas.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
August 12, 2002
Environmental Assessment Bulletin
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Crown District 18 (Roddickton) Five Year Operating Plan Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent has registered a timber harvesting amendment to the 2002-2007 District 18 Five Year Operating Plan to accommodate harvesting of timber from areas remaining unharvested from the previous five year operating plan due to operational constraints. The two harvesting areas are in the Cutaway Pond Harvest Area where 11,515 cubic metres will be harvested from 158 hectares and the Newhook's Road Harvest Area where 2,373 cubic metres will be harvested from 33 hectares. The amendment also identifies timber to be harvested from partition stands throughout the district. The partition stands include the possible harvesting of 50,709 cubic metres from 720 hectares. The undertaking was registered on August 6, 2002; public comments must be received by September 16, 2002; and the minister's decision is due on September 20, 2002.
(2) Abitibi Consolidated Five Year Forest Management Plans Districts 10, 11, 12
Proponent: Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.
The proponent has submitted a five year operating plan for forest management districts 10,11,12 located in the central area of the island. The plan outlines the forest activities conducted by Newfoundland Woodlands during the past five year planning period and describes the proposed forest activities for the next planning period (January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2007), which includes harvesting, road building, silviculture and forest protection. There are 84,000 cubic metres, 162,000 cubic metres and 191,000 cubic metres annually proposed for harvest during this planning period in districts 10, 11, and 12 respectively. There are approximately 142 kilometres of primary road construction planned within the scope of this plan. Also, there are 11,490 hectares of pre-commercial thinnings planned and approximately 2,540 hectares of site preparation and planting proposed. The undertaking was registered on August 8, 2002; public comments are due on September16, 2002; and the minister's decision is due on September 22, 2002.
(3) Crown Forest Management District 2 (Come By Chance) Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes to allow domestic cutting on a 24 kilometre square area of mature balsam fir and black spruce stands located between Come By Chance River and North Harbour River, in Forest Management District 2. The area is adjacent to previously harvested areas. Harvesting is tentatively scheduled to begin this fall. The undertaking was registered on August 12, 2002; public comments must be received by September 16, 2002; and the minister's decision is due on September 26, 2002.
The minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
2003 05 08
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Mint Brook (Gambo Pond) Transmission Line
Proponent: Newfoundland Power Inc.
The proponent proposes to construct a 0.4 kilometre extension to the aerial power and communication (telephone) transmission line located at Mint Brook on the north side of Gambo Pond, in Central Newfoundland. The proposed extension will include an aerial crossing of Mint Brook, a scheduled salmon river. The rational for the project is to provide power and telephone service to cabins located on the southwestern side of Mint Brook. Additional planned work includes a 2.4 kilometre upgrade to the existing transmission line between Gambo River and Mint Brook. The project is planned to consist of 10 to 15 metre high single pressure treated CCA wood poles with an average span of 70 metres between each pole and cable attached approximately 3 metres from the top of the poles. The cleared width of right-of-way will be approximately 5.4 metres, or 2.7 metres either side of centerline. The project will include surveying, brush clearing and installation of poles and cables. The undertaking was registered on May 8, 2003; public comments are due by June 12, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due June 22, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Argentia (Building 510) Biomedical Waste Management Facility
Proponent: Edward Collins Contracting Ltd.
The proponent has withdrawn the above undertaking from further environmental assessment review.
(1) Milton Sawmill Operation
Proponent: O.K. Ventures Ltd.
(2) District 12 (Abitibi) 5-Year Operating Plan Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 28
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Sop's Arm/Jackson's Arm Hiking Trail
Proponent: White Bay South Development Association
The proponent proposes to develop a system of hiking trails that would run between Sop's Arm and Jackson's Arm in White Bay South. The trail system would consist of existing snowmobile trails and new trails with a total length of 19.86 kilometres. Proposed project activities include clearing vegetation; construction of boardwalks, stream crossings, and lookout benches; and surfacing the trail. The proponent anticipates that construction will begin in late spring and be completed by fall, 2003.
The undertaking was registered April 24, 2003; public comments are due June 2, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due June 8, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 24
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway is subject to an environmental assessment under both Part 10 of the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Protection Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Fisheries and Oceans Canada have instituted a parallel process to ensure compliance with the requirements of a provincial Environmental Impact Statement and a federal Comprehensive Study. It has been determined that the Environmental Impact Statement/Comprehensive Study and four of the submitted Component Studies require further work and four of the submitted Component Studies are accepted as satisfactory. (The Historic Resources Component Study has previously been determined to be accepted as satisfactory.)
The Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway Environmental Impact Statement (dated January 2003) has been determined to require further work under Part 10 of the Newfoundland and Labrador Environmental Protection Act and the Comprehensive Study requires further work under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
A statement has been provided to the proponent to illustrate the further work that is required and to provide direction on the additional information required to make the Environmental Impact Statement and Comprehensive Study acceptable. The statement is divided into two parts: Part I identifies sections of the Guidelines which have not been addressed or have not been adequately addressed; Part II identifies sections of the Environmental Impact Statement and Comprehensive Study for which additional information is required, for which revisions or clarification is required and for which the analysis and/or interpretation is not correct. Suggested editorial modifications required to the Environmental Impact Statement and Comprehensive Study will be provided separately by the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee.
(1) Caribou Component Study (dated December 2002)
In general terms the further work that is required relates to mapping, caribou habitat and required points of clarification. A statement has been provided to the proponent to illustrate what further work is required and provide direction on the additional information required to make the Component Study satisfactory.
(2) Waterfowl Component Study (dated January 2003)
In general terms the further work that is required relates to aerial survey coverage, concerns regarding the timing of the survey conducted in spring 2002 and a description of the wetland and riparian habitat. A statement has been provided to the proponent to illustrate the further work that is required and to provide direction on the additional information required to make the Component Study satisfactory. The proponent has been advised that any alternative route determined to be viable upon review of the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Project in the Environmental Impact Statement must have a Waterfowl Component Study completed for that alternative route.
(3) Fish and Fish Habitat Component Study (dated January 2003)
In general terms the further work required relates to fish species and fisheries (e.g., recreational, commercial, subsistence) and qualitative descriptions of fish populations. A statement has been provided to the proponent to illustrate the further work that is required and to provide direction on the additional information required to make the Component Study satisfactory. The proponent has been advised that any alternative route determined to be viable upon review of the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Project in the Environmental Impact Statement must have a Fish and Fish Habitat Component Study completed for that alternative route.
(4) Tourism and Recreation Component Study (dated January 2003)
In general terms the further work required relates to insufficient characterization of the tourism and recreation industry and insufficient coverage of the tourism and recreation industry's contribution to the local economy. A statement has been provided to the proponent to illustrate the further work that is required and to provide direction on the additional information required to make the Component Study satisfactory.
The Raptor Component Study (dated January 2003) has been accepted as satisfactory for the preferred route only. The proponent has been advised that any alternative route determined to be viable upon review of the Alternative Methods of Carrying Out the Project in the Environmental Impact Statement must have a Raptor Component Study completed for that alternative route.
The Community Life, Employment and Business Component Study, the Labrador Innu Land and Resource Use Component Study and the Land and Resource Use Component Study (all dated January 2003) have been accepted as satisfactory.
Copies of the statements outlining what further work is required are available from the Department's website or by contacting Ed Kaufhold, Environmental Assessment Division, (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@gov.nl.ca.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 16
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Bonavista North (Lumsden) Golf Course
Proponent: Town of Lumsden and Town of New-Wes-Valley
The proponent proposes to develop a golf course at Lumsden North on the northeast coast of Newfoundland. The proposed 83.1 hectare golf course would be located directly north and east of the Town of Lumsden. The proposed development will consist of 18 holes, an irrigation system with automated pumping, an internal drainage system for trees and greens, cart paths, combined maintenance and golf cart storage building (280 square metres), as well as a 220 square metre clubhouse. Access to the proposed site will require construction of a 250 metre gravel access road (6.7 metres wide) and gravel parking lot for 100 cars.
The proponent anticipates that construction and commissioning of all facilities will take approximately 30 months. The proposed construction start date is Fall 2003 and the proposed completion date is Spring 2006. The project was registered April 15, 2003; public comments are due May 21, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due May 30, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 11
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Little Gander Pond ATV Trail
Proponent: Noel C. Hutton
The proponent intends to build a 1.25 kilometre long by 3 metre wide All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) trail to facilitate year round access to a remote cabin at Little Gander Pond in central Newfoundland. Included along the trail will be one 3 metre log bridge and 30 metres of log corduroy. Construction is planned for the spring of 2003 and will take 3 days using hand tools (no heavy equipment). The project was registered on April 11, 2003; public comments are due on May 16, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due on May 26, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
(1) Goodyears Cove Park Enhancement (Upgrading & Expansion)
Proponent: Town of South Brook
(2) Andrews Pond (Clarenville) Water Control Structure
Proponent: Town of Clarenville
(3) Crown Five Year Operating Plan Forest Management Dist. 8 (2003-2008), Exploit's Bay
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods (DFRA)
The undertaking has been released from environmental assessment subject to the following conditions:
• DFRA must establish the buffers around waterbodies identified by the Provincial Archaeology Office
• DFRA must develop a Human Resource Plan within six months outlining specific targets and initiatives to address the need for gender equity in the undertaking, including provisions for recruitment, training and/or other measures which would make these jobs more accessible to women. An annual employment monitoring report must be submitted including employment statistics by gender in order to track the progress on participation of women and to implement adjustment strategies if targets are not being attained.
• Mineral exploration and development on mineral licences within the operating areas must not be impeded.
(4) Crown Five Year Operating Plan Forest Management District 15 (2003-2008)
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods (DFRA)
The undertaking has been released from environmental assessment subject to the following condition:
• DFRA must develop a Human Resource Plan within six months outlining specific initiatives and targets to address the need for gender equity in the undertaking, including provisions for the recruitment, training and/or other measures which would make these jobs more accessible to women. Also, DFRA must submit an employment monitoring report on an annual basis, including collection of employment statistics by gender in order to track progress on the plan to implement adjustment strategies if targets are not being attained.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 07
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
2003 Mimic Forest Spray Program For Hemlock Looper
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes to implement an aerial insecticide spray program using the product Mimic (tebufenozide) against the hemlock looper insect pest. The proposed forest areas designated for application are forecast to receive moderate to severe defoliation by hemlock looper in 2003. The insecticide program using Mimic (up to approx. 30,000 hectares) is proposed to be a smaller component of the overall control program for the hemlock looper using the biological insecticide, B.t.k (approx. 90,000 hectares). The registration document submitted provides background information on the current infestations, control options, information on the product Mimic, details of the actual spray program and the schedule. Treatment is planned to start in mid to late June (depending on weather affecting insect hatching and development) and continue into early August.
The locations of the proposed mimic control program are primarily to take place on the Northern Peninsula between the Coles Pond-Main Brook to St. Anthony Airport areas. In western Newfoundland in the Main River-Upper Humber-Whites River area, near Sandy Lake, and in the Crooked Lake-Landowns Pond area. Also, treatment is proposed in central Newfoundland between Victoria Lake, extending north and east of Noel Paul's Brook to near Sandy Lake-Caledonia Brook. The undertaking was registered on April 7, 2003; public comments are due on May 12, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due on May 22, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
(1) Rocky Harbour Breakwater & Wharf
Proponent: Town of Rocky Harbour
(2) Mary's Harbour Wind Power Project
Proponent: Westenwind NV
(3) Charlottetown Wind Power Project
Proponent: Westenwind NV
Both of the above (single) wind turbine wind power projects have been released from further environmental assessment subject to the following condition:
• An avian monitoring program will be required, to be developed in consultation with the Inland Fish and Wildlife Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation and Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada.
The proponent is also required to comply with all relevant legislation, permits and approvals from the municipal, provincial and federal regulatory authorities. A development permit will be required from the respective Towns.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 03
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Abitibi-Consolidated District 11 Five Year Operating Plan Amendment
Proponent: Abitibi-Consolidated Inc.
The proponent proposes to construct an approximately 5.4 kilometre primary road within District 11 near Sandy Lake. This road will be constructed instead of the 6.9 kilometre road that was approved immediately north of this location. The new road will join into an approved primary road within District 12. The undertaking was registered on April 3, 2003; public comments are due May 8, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due May 17, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 04 02
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Grand Bank Harbour Dredging
Proponent: Grand Bank Harbour Authority (Arch Evans, President)
The proponent intends to deepen by about 2 metres the area of the outer harbour approximately 80 metres wide and 120 metres long, as well as the approach to the harbour, to accommodate larger vessels which will supply raw material to the Fish Plant at Grand Bank. The area has been previously dredged by Public Works Canada on a number of occasions. Approximately 8,000 cubic metres of rock and 18,000 cubic metres of sandy sediment (900 truckloads) will be removed for disposal at an approved land disposal site. The material will be removed using barge-mounted heavy equipment, a watertight scow, and trucks with watertight boxes; the rock will require drilling and blasting (approximately ten blasts are anticipated). Construction is planned to take place over three months of the 5-month project scheduled for completion by the end of November 2003. The undertaking was registered on April 1, 2003, public comments are due May 7, 2003, and the Minister's decision is due May 16, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 03 28
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Botwood/Peterview Exploits Regional Water Supply Transmission Main
Proponent: Towns of Botwood and Peterview
The proponents, the towns of Botwood and Peterview intend to construct a new water transmission main from the existing Exploits Regional Water Supply Line on New Bay Road (near Wooddale Farms) to Botwood and Peterview. The transmission main will be approximately 17 kilometres in length and run generally in an east west direction. The main will be buried 1.8 metres under the existing ground and be constructed of either ductile iron or polyvinyl chloride pipe. The transmission main will be equipped with drain lines, main valves and air valves and will include one pressure reducing chamber. The undertaking was registered on March 26, 2003; public comments are due on May 2, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due on May 10, 2003
(2) District 12 (Abitibi) Five-Year Operating Plan Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
In accordance with Agreements with Abitibi-Consolidated, the proponent intends to facilitate the harvest and salvage of 90,000 cubic metres of fire damaged timber as sawlogs, pulpwood, and fuelwood from the site of a 4,000 hectare fire between the Millertown Junction Road and the domestic cutting block immediately southwest of the Town of Badger. Silvicultural scarification and planting will also be undertaken. There will be a 100 metre buffer along the Exploits River and a minimum 20 metre buffer from other watercourses and waterbodies. Access will by secondary forest access roads, and 30 people will be employed in the harvesting planned to start immediately upon release and to be concentrated in the next two years. The undertaking was registered on March 26, 2003; public comments are due on May 2, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due on May 10, 2003
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Georges Lake Communication Transmission Line
Proponent: Newfoundland Power Inc.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 21
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Bob Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Goodyears Cove Park Enhancement, Halls Bay
Proponent: Town of South Brook
The proponent plans an expansion to the Goodyears Cove Municipal Park at South Brook, Halls Bay. The proposed expansion will encompass a 50 hectare area towards Wolf Head and will include construction of a 1,500 metre access road, campsites, picnic and lookout areas, upgrading swimming area, washroom facilities and parking lot. Construction is proposed to begin in the spring or early summer of 2003. The project was registered February 20, 2003; public comments are due March 28, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due April 6, 2003.
(2) St. John's Salvage Yard, Incinerator Road (Foxtrap)
Proponent: Newfoundland Recycling Ltd.
The proponent proposes to relocate an existing commercial salvage yard at Pocket Road, Long Pond, Conception Bay South to Incinerator Road off the Foxtrap Access Road which is located within the City of St. John's. The proposed site is approximately 4.5 hectares in area and was formerly a quarry. The purpose of relocation is due to the limited space at the present facility.
Newfoundland Recycling Limited processes and recycles automobiles and scrap materials including fridges, stoves, hot water boilers, and oil tanks. The proponent proposes to build a warehouse, install a truck scale, and install a heavy-duty shredding unit and car crusher on the proposed site. The proponent anticipates that construction would begin in June 2003 and finish in July 2004. The project was registered February 17, 2003; public comments are due March 28, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due April 3, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The Historic Resources Component Study for the Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway dated December 2, 2002 has been accepted as satisfactory by the Minister.
Argentia (Building 510) Biomedical Waste Management Facility
Proponent: Edward Collins Contracting Ltd.
The Minister of Environment has decided that the registration for the proposed Biomedical Waste Management Facility does not contain sufficient detail to determine the significance of the environmental effects and therefore will require an Environmental Preview Report (EPR). The EPR must address outstanding concerns including details regarding potential air emissions from the proposed incinerator and details regarding hammermill chemical storage and discharges.
The Minister will appoint an Assessment Committee to meet with the proponent and prepare Guidelines for the preparation of the EPR. The Guidelines will be a public document, available upon request to all stakeholders and interested persons. For further information please contact the Assessment Committee Chairperson, Mr. Carl Strong, at 729-0834 or email cstrong@gov.nf.ca
Crown Five Year Forest Mgmt Plan Dist 23 (Postville) 2003-2007
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The above project has been released from further environmental assessment subject to the following conditions:
• The additional information needed by the Women's Policy Office be supplied, including analysis of available employment data by gender for contracts. Specific initiatives and targets to address the need to increase the level of participation of women should be identified. An employment monitoring report must be submitted on an annual basis, including collection of employment statistics by gender in order to track progress on participation of women and to implement adjustment strategies if employment targets are not being attained.
• The buffers identified by the Provincial Archaeology Office for potential archaeological sites in the District be implemented until Stage 1 Historic Resources Assessments are completed for these sites.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 18
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Robert Mercer has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Crown Five Year Operating Plan Forest Management District 8 (2003-2008), Exploit's Bay
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes a five year operating plan which presents the proposed forest ecosystem management activities on Crown limits in Management District 8 for the period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2008. The District is referred to as the Exploit's Bay Management District and is located on the northeast coast of the Island of Newfoundland. Proposed activities include: harvesting, road construction, silviculture, environmental protection, and monitoring. The undertaking was registered on February 14, 2003; public comments are due by March 25, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 31, 2003.
(2) Andrews Pond (Clarenville) Water Control Structure
Proponent: Town of Clarenville
The proponent proposes to construct a water control structure at Andrews Pond to allow for increased water storage. Andrews Pond is located approximately 13km upstream of the Town's water supply intake on Shoal Harbour River. The end result will be that the Town of Clarenville will be able to increase the flow of water into its water supply/treatment system during the low flow months of June, July and August. The water control structure will consist of a concrete structure approximately 35m long, 2m high and 2m wide. Incorporated in the structure will be two water control gates for release of water during times of low flow, a fish ladder to ensure that fish migration patterns are not disrupted, and an overflow spillway. An earth fill dam will also extend southward along the shoreline for approximately 60 m. Construction is tentatively scheduled to begin in mid-July and conclude by mid-September 2003. The undertaking was registered on February 17, 2003; public comments are due March 25, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due April 3, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 14
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Bonavista Highway Poultry Farm and Forage Crop Production
Proponent: George and Vera Greening
(2) Grand Falls-Windsor to Badger Fibre Optic Transmission Line
Proponent: Newfoundland Power Inc.
The above project is released from further environmental assessment subject to the following condition:
• The pole line crossing of the Exploits River must occur at the existing power transmission line right-of-way crossing site (located at NAD 27, UTM Zone 21, 574880E 5421140N and 574975E 5421050N), as shown on the attached map .
(3) Lethbridge Organic Compost Facility
Proponent: Discovery Compost Limited
The above project has been released from further environmental assessment subject to implementation and evaluation of a pilot project. The proposal for the pilot phase and the test results must be submitted to the Departments of Environment and Forest Resources and Agrifoods for review prior to the issuance of any permits or approvals and construction of the commercial phase.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 13
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Rocky Harbour Breakwater and Wharf
Proponent: Town of Rocky Harbour
The Town of Rocky Harbour proposes to construct a 600 metre long rubble mound breakwater to form a protected harbour at Rocky Harbour Cove in addition to a timber crib wharf to be accessed by a 250 metre rockfill approach.The undertaking was registered on February 11, 2003; public comments are due by March 20, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 28, 2003.
(2) Nain Wind Power Project
Proponent: Westenwind NV
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a single wind turbine generator (WTG) at Akpiksai Bay, in the municipal boundaries of the Town of Nain, Labrador approximately 250 metres west of the Town's dump site. The proposed WTG is a conical tubular steel tower with a maximum hub height of 60 metres and a three bladed rotor diameter of between 30 and 50 metres. The proposed power generation from the single WTG is between 225 and 660 kilowatts (kW). Power from the WTG will supplement the existing diesel generating plant and is to be sold to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for distribution and resale to customers. Construction for the project will also include a 4.5 metre wide access road and power and telephone transmission lines for connection to the local grid. The undertaking was registered on February 11, 2003; public comments are due by March 20, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 28, 2003.
(3) Mary's Harbour Wind Power Project
Proponent: Westenwind NV
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a single wind turbine generator (WTG) in the municipal boundaries of the Town of Mary's Harbour, Labrador. The WTG is planned to be located to the west of the Town and approximately 800 metres from the Town's diesel generator site. The proposed WTG is a conical tubular steel tower with a maximum hub height of 60 metres and a three bladed rotor diameter of between 30 and 50 metres. The proposed power generation from the single WTG is between 225 and 660 kilowatts (kW). Power from the WTG will supplement the existing diesel generating plant and is to be sold to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for distribution and resale to customers. Construction for the project will also include a 4.5 metre wide access road and power and telephone transmission lines for connection to the local grid. The undertaking was registered on February 11, 2003; public comments are due by March 20, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 28, 2003.
(4) Charlottetown Wind Power Project
Proponent: Westenwind NV
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a single wind turbine generator (WTG) in the municipal boundaries of the Town of Charlottetown, Labrador. The WTG is planned to be located to the north of the Town and will require construction of a 350 metre access road for connection to the existing road network. The proposed WTG is a conical tubular steel tower with a maximum hub height of 60 metres and a three bladed rotor diameter of between 30 and 50 metres. The proposed power generation from the single WTG is between 225 and 660 kilowatts (kW). Power from the WTG will supplement the existing diesel generating plant and is to be sold to Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro for distribution and resale to customers. The access road will be 4.5 metres wide and construction will also include power and telephone transmission lines for connection to the local grid. The undertaking was registered on February 11, 2003; public comments are due by March 20, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 28, 2003.
(5) Crown Five Year Operating Plan Forest Management District 15 (2003-2008)
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent proposes a five year operating plan for unalienated Crown lands in Forest Management District 15 for the period April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2008. Activities will include: harvesting, road construction, silviculture, environmental protection, surveys and monitoring. The District is located on the west coast of the island portion of the province and is centered around the Bay of Islands. It is bounded by Gros Morne National Park in the northwest, Deer Lake in the northeast, the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the west, Gallants in the southwest and extends east to just beyond Grand Lake's southern shore. District 15 covers a total area of 562,533 hectares. The undertaking was registered on February 13, 2003; public comments are due by March 20, 2003; and, the Minister's decision is due by March 30, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
The Ministers of Environment and Labrador and Aboriginal Affairs and the President of the Innu Nation have concluded a Memorandum of Understanding on the environmental assessment of the Trans Labrador Highway (Phase III) which provides for Innu Nation participation of the environmental assessment. The Memorandum of Understanding and it's Innu-aimun translation are available for information purposes from the Department's website or by contacting Ed Kaufhold, Environmental Assessment Division, (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca..
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 07
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10, Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted erratum pages for the Fish and Fish Habitat Component Study and the Environmental Impact Statement. The pages involved are page 28 of the Fish and Fish Habitat Component Study and pages 174, 284/285 and 333/334 of the Environmental Impact Statement. A copy of each of the pages is available from the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca. The erratum pages will also be available on the Department's web site.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the required Land and Resource Use and Tourism and Recreation Component Studies for the environmental assessment of the above undertaking. The Component Studies were received on February 7, 2003, and are available for public review. Public Comments on the Component Studies must be received by March 14, 2003. The Minister's decision on the Component Studies is due March 29, 2003.
If you have any questions on the Component Studies or the environmental assessment of the undertaking please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufholdl@mail.gov.nf.ca.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 06
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10, Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Foxtrap Biomedical Waste Management Facility
Proponent: Island Waste Management Inc.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the required Labrador Innu Land Use Component Study for the environmental assessment of the above undertaking. The Component Study was received on 06 February 2003 and is available for public review. Public comments on the Component Study must be received by March 13, 2003. The Minister's decision on the Component Study is March 28, 2002.
If you have any questions on the Component Study or the environmental assessment of the undertaking please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 02 04
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Georges Lake Communication Transmission Line
Proponent: Newfoundland Power Inc.
The proponent proposes to construct a 4.2 kilometre aerial communication (telephone) transmission line from Coleman's Cove to cottages located on the north east side of Georges Lake, in Western Newfoundland. The proposed route will include an aerial crossing of Pinchgut Brook, a scheduled salmon river. The rational for the project is to provide telephone service to the cabins in the area. The project is planned to consist of 10 to 15 metre high single pressure treated CCA wood poles with an average span of 70 metres between each pole and cable attached approximately 6 metres above the ground. The cleared width of right-of-way will be approximately 5.4 metres, or 2.7 metres either side of centerline. The project will include surveying, brush clearing and installation of poles and cable. The undertaking was registered on February 3, 2002; public comments are due by March 11, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due by March 20, 2003.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the required Fish and Fish Habitat and Community Life, Employment and Business Component Studies for the environmental assessment of the above undertaking. The Component Studies were received on February 3, 2003 and are available for public review. Public Comments on the Component Studies must be received by March 11, 2003. The Minister's decision on the Component Studies is March 25, 2003.
If you have any questions on the Component Studies or the environmental assessment of the undertaking please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the Environmental Impact Statement for the above undertaking. The submitted EIS must be in compliance with the guidelines issued by the Minister in December 2002. The purpose of the Environmental Impact Statement is generally to describe the undertaking including possible alternatives, describe current environmental conditions, identify the potential environmental effects associated with the proposed undertaking, identify appropriate mitigative measures and identify the significance of any residual environmental effects. The Environmental Impact Statement was received on February 4, 2003 and is available for public review. Public comments on the Environmental Impact Statement must be submitted to the Minister and received by March 26, 2003. The Minister's decision on the adequacy of the Environmental Impact Statement is due April 15, 2003.
If you have any questions on the Environmental Impact Statement or the environmental assessment of the undertaking please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at
2003 01 22
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the required Waterfowl and Raptor Component Studies for the environmental assessment of the above undertaking. The Component Studies were received on January 22, 2003 and are available for public review. Public comments on the Component Studies must be received by February 26, 2003. The minister's decision on the Component Studies is March 13, 2003.
If you have any questions on the Component Studies or the environmental assessment of the undertaking please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assesment Committee, Ed Kaufhold at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2003 01 17
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Foxtrap Biomedical Waste Management Facility
Proponent: Island Waste Management Inc.
The Minister and the proponent have mutually agreed to extend the Minister's decision date from January 16, 2003 to February 6, 2003. The extension will allow time for the proponent to meet with the public in the area. A public meeting is being arranged by the Town of Conception Bay South for January 23. At the meeting, the proponent will present the project in greater detail and address any concerns the public may have regarding the proposal. Representatives from the Department of Environment will also attend the meeting. Further public comments are due by January 30, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2003 01 15
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
Cartwright Junction to Happy Valley-Goose Bay Trans Labrador Highway
Proponent: Department of Works, Services and Transportation
The proponent has submitted the required Caribou Component Study for the environmental assessment of the above undertaking. The Component Study was received on January 13, 2003 and is available for public review. Public comments on the Component Study must be received by February 19, 2003. The minister's decision date on the Component Study is March 4, 2003.
If you have any questions please contact the Chair of the Environmental Assessment Committee, Ed Kaufhold, at (709) 729-0090 or e-mail at ekaufhold@mail.gov.nf.ca.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
(1) St. Fintan's/Lock Leven Abattoir
Proponent: Mr. Wade Alley
(2) Harbour Grace Marine Vessel Repair Facility
Proponent: Dawe's Welding and Sons Limited
For both of the above undertakings a Certificate of Approval will be required from the Pollution Prevention Division of the Department of Environment.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2003 01 13
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Mount Pearl Drilling Mud Plant
Proponent: QMAX Solutions Inc.
(2) CBPP Forest Mgmt District 9 (South Pond) Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
(3) Crown District 17 Five Year Operating Plan Amendment
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The above project has been released from further environmental assessment subject to the following condition:
• The partition stand located northwest of East Castor Pond is not to be harvested at this time to provide continuity of mature forest in the area (see attached map).
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NL, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env
2003 01 02
Department of Environment
Environmental Assessment Division
Environment Minister Kevin Aylward has announced the following events relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.
(1) Crown Five Year Forest Mgmt Plan Dist 23 (Postville) 2003-2007
Proponent: Department of Forest Resources and Agrifoods
The proponent in conjunction with the Labrador Inuit Association (LIA) and a subsidiary company (Post Mill Lumber) has submitted a five year operating plan (January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2007) for Forest Management District 23. The plan covers only a portion of District 23, specifically a contiguous block centered on the community of Postville, Labrador and the Kaipokok River, which encompasses the majority of the merchantable forest in the District. This is the first five year operating plan for District 23, with the objective to develop a long-term sawmill business in the community of Postville. The plan describes the allocation of wood supply and proposed forest harvesting, silviculture activities, road construction and environmental protection and monitoring. The plan describes a potential harvest of 12,000 cubic metres of timber each year over approximately 120 hectares, the construction of 34 kilometres of new forest access roads, and 75 hectares of silviculture treatment per year consisting mainly of planting and secondly pre-commercial thinning. The undertaking was registered on December 30, 2002; Public comments are due by February 6, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due on February 13, 2003.
(2) Placentia (Building 510) Biomedical Waste Management Facility
Proponent: Edward Collins Contracting Ltd.
The proponent proposes to construct and operate a Biomedical Waste Management Facility located at its existing building in Argentia. Currently biomedical waste is collected from several collection points on the Island and transported to an incineration facility in Moncton, New Brunswick. The proponent now proposes to make a submission to a recent Department of Health tender or request for proposals.
The two vehicles to be used to collect the waste will be finished and equipped in accordance with the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment Guidelines 6.5 - Vehicle Requirements and Code of Practice for the Transportation of Biomedical Waste. The existing concrete structure will require only minor modifications over a 3 to 4 week period. The facility would process most biomedical waste utilizing a shredding and chemical treatment (chlorination) technology; the LFB Medical Waste Decontamination System used in many other jurisdictions. Anatomical and cytotoxic wastes will be processed in a Pyrotek Model 1000-1 Incinerator. Treated solid waste and ask from the two units will receive final disposal at the Placentia Landfill Site. The state-of-the-art facility would create in excess of four permanent jobs; workers will undergo training appropriate for their positions.
The proponent is aiming to be operational within 12 weeks of the award of Contract. The undertaking was registered on January 2, 2003; public comments are due by February 6, 2003; and the Minister's decision is due by February 16, 2003.
The Minister encourages all interested parties to become involved and to make comments known. Comments on submitted documents are invited from the public, addressed in writing to the Minister, and are welcome prior to the deadline date shown.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Director of Environmental Assessment at (709) 729-2562 or toll-free: 1-800-563-6181 or by mail to:
Director, Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John's, NF, A1B 4J6
Environmental Assessment Information is on the Government Web Site at http://www.gov.nf.ca/env